Women's Studies

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Welcome to 基督教社会联盟DH's Women's Studies Program!

Study Meeting

Welcome to the Women's Studies Program, 鼓励学生在积极追求知识的过程中接受教育, 同理心, and social justice. As the academic arm of the feminist movement, 近五十年来,妇女研究一直是一门公认的学科, 探索世界各地文化中女性的经历和表现. 学生在南方南方大学的妇女研究课程中学习知识和技能,以了解历史, 结构, 性别不平等的表现以及如何倡导妇女的权利和自由.

目前,女性研究辅修15学分,并将于明年开始提供文学学士学位. 妇女研究项目的课程采用女权主义理论和跨学科的教学方法, conduct re搜索, and expand existing bodies of knowledge, 为学生在多个领域追求职业和高级学位做好准备, 行业, and industries. 作为一所多元化的城市校园,有着悠久的激进主义历史和对社会正义的承诺, 妇女问题研究中心致力于妇女研究,其重点是研究性别与种族之间的关系和相互影响, 比赛, social class, 宗教, 性, 国籍, globalization and other factors that shape women’s and men’s lives. 这也符合大学对校园的愿景,即“探索各种形式的多样性”, 理解, and transformed into knowledge and practice.”

新闻 and Events


This exhibit honors the 100-year anniversary of the 19th Amendment, 突出历史和当代的成功和斗争,因为他们涉及到妇女和边缘化群体的权利. In the fall of 2019, WMS 320:女权主义原则的学生花了一个学期的时间在当地研究妇女运动, 国家, and global level. Working with staff from the 基督教社会联盟DH Donald R. & 贝弗利J. Gerth Archives & Special Collections, students collected information, 材料, 和图片制作海报和展示柜,与过去100年的选举权运动和妇女参政有关. 学生们还研究并采访了当地的组织和个人,以突出当代妇女和妇女问题,这些问题与我们当前的政治时刻和妇女权利的持续斗争有关.

The final project culminated in the posters, display cases, and zine that are featured in this online exhibit. Students in WMS 100: Gender, Sex, the Body & 政治也促成了当代妇女问题海报的创作, as well as art images for the exhibit's zine.


This project was made possible with support from California 人文学科, a non-profit partner of the National Endowment for the 人文学科. 访问 calhum.org.


南苏丹大学妇女研究项目支持非洲研究部门提出的要求, whose letter and action items can be found and signed 在这里. 我们鼓励我们的同行调查他们的部门是如何支持贝尔·胡克斯所说的“帝国主义”的, white-supremacist, capitalist patriarchy.” We unequivocally affirm that Black Lives Matter, 我们将继续确保我们的知识分子和活动家的工作反映这一见解. Our curriculum has been, and will continue to be, grounded in decolonizing pedagogy; the works and theories of women of color; and queer, 非二进制, and gender-expansive voices and worldviews.

As an academic discipline that views teaching, 学习, and activism as part of an inseparable whole, 我们与黑人学生和那些冒着生命危险抗议国家暴力的人站在一起, 不人道, surveillance and murder of Black bodies in the United States. #BlackLivesMatter was founded by three Black women -- Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullers, 和奥珀尔·托梅蒂——尽管他们的历史常常被掩盖,他们的酷儿身份也常常被忽视. We say the names of Sandra Bland, Breonna Taylor, Reika博伊德, 米娅大厅, 以及Korryn Gaines和无数其他黑人女性和变性人,他们都是警察暴力的受害者. 我们特别关注妮娜·波普和其他黑人跨性别女性的死亡,她们的谋杀率是普通人群的七倍. 在本地, 我们理解了南加州激进抵抗运动长期历史中的当代时刻. This history ranges from the Cooper Do-Nut Riots, w在这里 police brutality rooted in racism, 不再恐, and homophobia was resisted and exposed by Black and brown transwomen; to the Watts Rebellion, which won major gains for South LA, including the establishment of 基督教社会联盟DH; to the 1992 Los Angeles Uprising in response not only to the LAPD’s brutal assault of Rodney King, 还谋杀了15岁的拉塔莎·哈林斯. 作为女权主义者,我们尊重这段抵抗的历史,并致力于将其反映在我们的教学中.

White supremacy is our nation’s greatest ill, and the feminist movement has not escaped its contagion. As we continue our work to imagine and cultivate a more just world, we recognize that our labor is aligned with, and indebted to, the critical intellectual, 情感, and physical work that countless others, particularly Black women and other women of color, have done before us. 我们的教师和课程都承认这段历史,同时努力开展一场更具包容性的运动,以结束性别歧视和种族等压迫的交叉方面, class, 性, 种族, and 宗教.

We know t在这里 are no options besides demanding a better future. Today, and always, we send love and strength to our students. 他们将思想转化为行动,为所有人更有希望的未来铺平了道路.

Info about Coronavirus and Women's Studies


学生,Raquel Serrano与Angelo Davis和CSDUH毕业生,Shannon Minor

教职员工克里斯蒂娜·罗斯·史密斯和詹恩·勃兰特在旧金山举行的全国妇女研究协会年会上发表了演讲. Also in attendance were Women’s Studies major, Raquel Serrano (pictured with Angela Davis), and 基督教社会联盟DH graduate Shannon Minor, 她展示了她的《正规澳门平台十大赌博》的研究海报.

拉斯维加斯doctora Podcast featured on Oprah Magazine online

Women’s Studies professor Dr. Cristina Rose (Smith) and Chianca/Chicano Studies professor Dr. Renee Lemus's podcast 拉斯维加斯doctora was recently featured online in Oprah Magazine!

Together, Dr. Cristina Rose and Dr. Renee Lemus host a podcast called 拉斯维加斯doctora in which they discuss issues of reproductive justice, social justice, 母亲, 性, 比赛, gender and more. 他们将自己的学术研究与我们作为拉丁裔的经验联系起来, 母亲, 女儿, 合作伙伴, 而女性则要谈论这些相互交织的身份的细微差别和复杂性.

祝贺Raquel Serrano和Makonnen Tendaji Nixon加入MMUF